Business Quality Assessment

Business Quality Assessment

Intensive • Thorough • Precise

Not the traditional “quality assurance” or “due diligence” you may have in mind.

Our professionals provide Business Quality Assessment for our modern times – providing leasing and finance companies (or those interested in entering the leasing and finance industry) with independent in-depth reviews, investigations, and analyses of company practices, operations, methods, compliance, and results.

Our Business Quality Assessment Practice offers:

  • Confidential and objective investigations of business practices and methods
  • Critical and numerical reports of lease and investment portfolio quality
  • Deep reviews of acquisition and investment opportunities – beyond due diligence
  • Reviews and analysis of industry best practices and performance
  • Comprehensive investigations of reputational risks and non-financial obstacles
  • Pre-audits in anticipation of regulatory compliance reviews
  • Reviews and assessments of credit and underwriting standards and practices
  • Reviews, revisions, and updates of legal forms and transaction documentation
  • Confidential investigations of suspicious procedural or operational activities

Our mission is to add value for our clients helping them to organize in the best way their financial and accounting processes . We consider achieving this goal through providing quality services based on highly professional and ethical standards

Our vision is to create individual access to each Client regardless of its size and type of activity.

Our corporate values fully comply with the high demands on the market, law, and contemporary digital technologies.